Essay of the Exhibition


Lucia Grossberger's collage of scanned self-portrait and painting by hand expresses theLatina woman's fears of fading away that she experiences in the contemporary Americanculture. Cole Rinehart created an algorithmic fractal image that looks like the stars, andmade it into a digital print surrounded by his poem, a passionate plea for saving our environment


Herbert Price's work was the emotionally stunning photograph of the sun rising exactlybetween the twin towers of the World Trade Center at the Winter Solstice. Its exquisite composition underlined the shocking tragedy of September 11 events. Roger Mulkey's image of Sydney Harbor, which looks like a snow scene because it was made with infra-red photography, was very wide because several images were joined by software. John Scarpa presented a 3-D photograph of one of his brilliant light sculptures and attached 3-D glasses so the viewer could enter that space. Grant Elliot's colorful microphotograph showed the interference contrast illumination of a defect of a semi-conductor. Robert Ishi showed a digitally manipulated image of a photo of the face on Mars in blazing red tones. Dale Scott exhibited a night photograph of a semi-nude fire breathing woman at the ritual of Burning Man.  < > more

Table of Contents          Exhibition Statement          Artists' Pages          Essay of the Exhibition          Index of Artists          YLEM